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    2048 Game

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    March 26, 2022

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    2048 Game




With only 4 directions, 2048 stretches your brain muscles infinitely.

2048 is a sliding game puzzle that is easy to play, but hard to beat. The game is set on a 4 x 4 square board, and you start with 2 numbers on the board. 2048 has only 1 instruction: swipe or use your arrow keys to move up, down, left and right. You have to match two tiles of the same number together to merge them. The objective of the game is to get to a 2048 by matching tiles. You can play 2048 on a phone using swipe motion, or on a desktop using the arrow keys on the keyboards. 

When the game starts, there are 2 tiles randomly placed on the square board. Your task is to decide which direction the tiles have to go. You do not need music to play the game, and the game board is not very exciting because it is all about the numbers. When you make a move, the tiles will move to the direction you pick, the tiles of the same number will merge to form the sum of the two numbers. 2 plus 2 is 4, 4 plus 4 is 8 etc. Every move will generate a new tile no matter if there is a match, which is either a 2 or 4. If the tiles next to each other are not the same number, they stay separated. Hence, if you cannot merge tiles to form a higher number, you will eventually run out of space. 

While the game sounds easy, it requires careful planning, strategy and adaptability. The tiles appear at random empty spots on the board, and may block you from merging the tiles on your next move. When you reach larger numbers, the challenge then is to keep merging smaller numbers to get to another big number to match. There is no time limit to make a move, but a wrong move will cost you. There is no undo option in the game, so every move is final. When the tiles do not merge, they stack next to each other for the next move. Bigger numbers are harder to match, and it is usually the reason why it is hard to win. 

There is no safe point for 2048, but once you run out of matches, the game ends. 2048 does not offer hints either, as there is no set game play. You can spend minutes or hours on getting to the elusive goal. While there are no rewards, getting to the magic number is a reward on its own. This is a game to exercise careful planning, patience and strategy on the go. Because the tiles that generate usually are either 2 or 4, you have to keep merging to free up space for more tiles to match. Once you run out of space and options to match, the game ends and you restart with a new board of 2 tiles. Once you reach the special tile, you can keep playing after savoring the sweet taste of achievement. 

How to play

The most important thing to understand is how the tiles move and merge. If there are three tiles of the same number, the middle tile will merge with the number in the direction you move to. For instance, if you move left, the middle eight will merge with the eight to the left. Once you know how the tiles merge, the next step is to anticipate which number might appear and how to match it. You can play strategy and leave the three 8 tiles alone, but it is a better idea to merge them to free up more space for tiles. 

And if you have four identical numbers like this board, you will move downwards or upwards to form two 16 tiles. The tiles merge once per move only, so instead of a tile of 32, you have two tiles of 16. From this board, you notice that the blank space is running out, and if I do not merge, I will run out of moves soon. 

The general rules aside, 2048 is an easy game to play but a hard game to win. The satisfaction of reaching 2048 is immense, because you have to calculate each step before making it. Sometimes a new tile appears in spaces that block your next move. So you also have to make a plan to keep your board available for the new number.

At the start the game is easy, once you arrive at the hundreds, the game becomes tricky. The most basic plan is to never let the smaller numbered tiles build up. When you reach bigger numbers, try your best to match them up. When you match a large- number tile, the best place to keep them is on a corner. That way, you can slowly build up your new 2 and 4 tiles all the way to the same number to merge. 

As the numbers get larger, you might find it harder to match tiles. If you continue to match all the small- number tiles, you can eventually arrive at a tile you can match with next. Because the board only generates 2's and 4's, try to keep the two numbers available to match. Once you have 8's and 16's, they are easier to match until you hit the hundreds. 

Which a simple game, there is no need for age restriction. You do not need to be a genius to have fun in 2048, it will help you train your brain to strategize on the go. Learning how to plan your next step and make every step count is easy with this game. 2048 is a great game to play while you are commuting, or needing some distraction while you are waiting around. While there is not much at stake, the sense of achievement when you reach the special number is great. 

Did you manage to get 2048? You are welcome to share your game experience in the comment area below so that more people will like this game!


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